App till Eurovision 2023
The app behind Eurovision

Behind the scenes of Eurovision

The product behind the ESC is called Shine Event and has indeed been used for many years in that context, but is also used in a much smaller context than Eurovision because our pricing model suits all sizes of organizations.

To explain how the app works in reality and what you can achieve with it, we briefly describe here how the Eurovision Song Contest has used the product.

Each year, approx. 40 delegations from Europe and Australia gather for the semi-finals and final in the ESC. A delegation can consist of up to 50 people and on top of that there are a number of thousands of people who work with production, stage, sound, lighting, logistics and everything else that has to work. So there are quite a lot of people in one and the same place who need to be organized both when it comes to what to do and when to do it. Therefore, the app has a powerful tool for building schedules and these can also be divided into different permissions so that each delegation gets its unique daily schedule that reaches down to the minute level.
Since the delegations often arrive in the host city up to a week before the competitions take place, there is also a daily schedule per date to be able to handle all the various rehearsals that are carried out before the competition.

Eurovision is a big event and at big events it happens all the time that schedules need to be changed and then it is very useful to have the module that can send push notifications to specific groups. In this way, users can be notified of changes in real time by push notifications. In addition to schedules, ESC uses digital maps to be able to show all delegations exactly where all press conferences, rehearsals and other events will be held. The app also contains all the information about contact details, organization, hotels, logistics, etc. that the members of the various production teams or delegations might need during the two weeks that ESC is in progress.

Tech info
The first version was developed in 2015 and released in 2016. At this time we made a hybrid web app, and although fully functional it was difficult to get the right look and feel.
We wrote that first version of the app without any frontend UI framework in just HTML, CSS and good ol' jQuery.

In 2019 we decided to go for a full rewrite with React Native and Expo. The nature of React itself allowed us to really organize things better (together with strict, internal conventions), and our app both got the look and feel that were expected from our users, but it also allowed us to scale properly. 

The developer experience with e.g. ExpoGo blew our minds, and OTA (Over The Air) updates saved us several times when we seamlessly could deliver a bugfix.

The backend is developed in PHP and MariaDB which also give us speed, simplicity and efficiency in a way that we both like and can trust.
All content on the app is managed in real time with our proprietary CMS system where editors and users can easily update texts, images, push notifications and other information.